The Pay Day

Life is like human, a sincere and honest human. It has eyes, it sees your deeds, and all you do is stored up for a pay day. Nothing goes unattended to in life. Your good is not forgotten, reward will definitely come.

… To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.

Our planet earth is always in circles. Nothing stay permanent, each season is for a time. You have been doing good and it looks like you are not getting any good, don’t get tired, your season for good is just around the corner.

No matter how small the good you are doing is, there’s a reward for it and the same goes for doing bad. There is a pay for every action, it might come early or late but certainly the pay will come.

I have been seeing people get paid for their deed in life both good and bad. What I discovered is that the reward comes in a way that most people don’t expect. I am inspired to write this because of my experience in one the meeting I attended couple of weeks back….

In that meeting, there are people who are known to have a big heart and love to do good, they are faithful, some of them are living big and some are living low. And also there are people in that meeting who does things by face not by heart, they act like they are faithful but at heart they are not. Now this is how things turn out….

A speaker was invited from the outside to speak. This speaker knows no one among the audience. Then he asked all the children to come to the stage to sit, he told them he will be asking questions as he is speaking to the audience, so they should listen carefully. Now this is what amazed everyone…..

Each questions the speaker asked based on what he was speaking on, he gave a million naira(Nigerian currency) to any child that got it right… Wow… He asked about nine questions and each nine children that got it right was given a million naira each. One child got 3 million for answering a star question. About 3 children got 500,000 naira each. Altogether, the children that got something was 13 in number out of 95 children on the stage.

… One of the best way to live is to do good to others and yourself.

This is where I’m going…. Those money was given to their parents. I discovered that the people that got blessed are actually those that have one way or the other being doing good. Right there and then I know there is a pay day and it will come when you least expect it. Your own reward might not be money, it might be something else.

… Don’t do good because you want reward, do it because it’s the right thing to do.

There’s an amount of good each man can do according to our capacity, don’t keep it to yourself. You loose more by not being good to others. No one knows when the pay day will come. One thing is certain, all the good a man does is not forgotten and the same goes the bad. There is a pay for everything.

Thanks for your time. Keep up the good.

Drop your comments below

Author: Rotimi Elijah

Rotimi Elijah likes to motivate and inspire people. He likes to be among happy people who loves unconditionally. He believes that love is the basis to true happiness.

100 thoughts on “The Pay Day”

  1. Desprenderse del egoismo no es tarea facil. Vivimos en un mundo donde el dinero, el poder y la vanidad es imprescindible para destacar en la sociedad. A eso, se le tiene que sumar la propaganda desmesurada en los medios de comunicación, de como llegar a triunfar sin tomar en cuenta a los demás. Tu exposición es genial. Para tomar muy en cuenta.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Na verdade, meu amigo, você está certo em todos os sentidos. O mundo está realmente se transformando em outra coisa. Pessoas que fazem a coisa certa agora são vistas como tolas. Mas devemos continuar nos esforçando para nos certificarmos de que continuamente fazemos o certo e vivemos de maneira individual.

      Muito obrigado pelo seu tempo. Eu não posso falar Português ou entendê-lo, embora eu vou adorar. demorei um pouco para traduzir. Obrigado amigo

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I enjoyed your blog post! The gentleman definitely understood the concept of giving generously and unselfishly unto others not only in word, but in deed. Thanks 🙏 so much for sharing.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I appreciate reading your perspectives on things. You wrote, “does things by face not by heart.” That’s a very insightful way to write that. Thanks for the “character food.” 😊

    Liked by 5 people

  4. This is an amazing story and am happy for those kids and their family. 💕🌸

    I have lots of those sets of persons in my workplace who does eye service… (Yes that what I call them) whatever they do is either to get noticed or to sabotage someone else reputation, and the truth is I just tell them to their face bcoz I don’t condole people intimidating me….. And by now, I know they know know their place when they’re dealing with me at my workplace.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh yeah, OJ my friend, you speak your heart and it’s true. People like that are scattered everywhere, they infest everyone and everywhere. They don’t treat people right and if they do, it’s only on the face. You are too loaded to be intimated by those people. I feel your every words, I can feel your heart behind every words. You are a light.. Let your light shine among them and keep telling them the truth.

      Most people don’t know that doing good is actually of more benefit to the one doing it than the one receiving it.

      On a lighter mood my friend, if anyone in your workplace disturb you again just lemme know😀😀😀😊. Thanks OJ for your true words.

      My best regards and wishes. Enjoy the weekend.

      Liked by 5 people

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