The Pay Day

Life is like human, a sincere and honest human. It has eyes, it sees your deeds, and all you do is stored up for a pay day. Nothing goes unattended to in life. Your good is not forgotten, reward will definitely come.

… To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.

Our planet earth is always in circles. Nothing stay permanent, each season is for a time. You have been doing good and it looks like you are not getting any good, don’t get tired, your season for good is just around the corner.

No matter how small the good you are doing is, there’s a reward for it and the same goes for doing bad. There is a pay for every action, it might come early or late but certainly the pay will come.

I have been seeing people get paid for their deed in life both good and bad. What I discovered is that the reward comes in a way that most people don’t expect. I am inspired to write this because of my experience in one the meeting I attended couple of weeks back….

In that meeting, there are people who are known to have a big heart and love to do good, they are faithful, some of them are living big and some are living low. And also there are people in that meeting who does things by face not by heart, they act like they are faithful but at heart they are not. Now this is how things turn out….

A speaker was invited from the outside to speak. This speaker knows no one among the audience. Then he asked all the children to come to the stage to sit, he told them he will be asking questions as he is speaking to the audience, so they should listen carefully. Now this is what amazed everyone…..

Each questions the speaker asked based on what he was speaking on, he gave a million naira(Nigerian currency) to any child that got it right… Wow… He asked about nine questions and each nine children that got it right was given a million naira each. One child got 3 million for answering a star question. About 3 children got 500,000 naira each. Altogether, the children that got something was 13 in number out of 95 children on the stage.

… One of the best way to live is to do good to others and yourself.

This is where I’m going…. Those money was given to their parents. I discovered that the people that got blessed are actually those that have one way or the other being doing good. Right there and then I know there is a pay day and it will come when you least expect it. Your own reward might not be money, it might be something else.

… Don’t do good because you want reward, do it because it’s the right thing to do.

There’s an amount of good each man can do according to our capacity, don’t keep it to yourself. You loose more by not being good to others. No one knows when the pay day will come. One thing is certain, all the good a man does is not forgotten and the same goes the bad. There is a pay for everything.

Thanks for your time. Keep up the good.

Drop your comments below

My Timeline – Your Timeline

Timeline, we all have our timeline in this life. What is timeline…? A timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order. It also means a schedule of activities or event, also a timetable. We all are sharing this world but we don’t share the same map and timetable.

Too many people are not living on their own timeline but others. This is one overlooked area which is affecting a lot of people. Everything we want in life is embedded in each of our timeline. So, when a man choose to live or follow someone else timeline where he has no entitlement, he’ll begin to struggle in life.

We all have a purpose for being here, we have different capacity, different destinies. We all are unique in our own different ways. No one should compare himself or herself with another. Our speed is different, our style is not the same.

… You can aspire to be a better person but not another person.

A lot of things causes people to live a wrong life and part of those things are…

  • Timidity
  • Fear
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Inability to discover oneself
  • Peer pressure, among others.

There are many reasons why people choose to live someone else life and not theirs and doing this only brings struggle and pain. For example…

You are a business student and your timetable shows you will do Financial accounting and Economics to be who you are supposed to be in life and then, you left your class because of one funny reason you only know into a science class where the timetable indicate chemistry and physics and you choose to be a part… You will struggle, get frustrated, maybe give up along the way because it’s not who you are.

… The source of many people’s problem across the world today is living the life that is not theirs.

When a car runs beyond its ability, a crash is most certain. It’s like racing a Ferrari with a Toyota Camry, both are good cars but with different strengths. If a Camry tries to cruise like the Ferrari, I don’t know…it’s going to be a bad experience.

Don’t look at the other person fast pace life, that’s how it is in their timeline. For the fact that someone went ahead of you does not mean you won’t get there too. You have your own timeline. Some people are destined to be millionaire in their twenties, some in their thirties, forties or fifties. Trying to live like the other person will only bring struggle and troubles, it can also bring death. There is greatness in all of our timeline, but in different styles and time. Stay focus.

Some people are meant to be musician but they are a banker, some are supposed to be a lawyer but they are marketer, some a politician but they are meant to be a comedian. I’m just saying… This is why people struggle too much in their life. This is why things seems to be out of control. You are not meant to be anybody but you. Not every vehicle uses petrol/gasoline some uses diesel to function. If you mix them wrong, nothing will function.

…To function well, you need to be you. To be original, you need to be you. The best person you can ever be is you.

Your timeline is different from mine but one thing is assured, if we stay on track and focus, greatness is there for us all.

Thanks for your time. I’m glad to spend my time with you.

Drop your comments below

Failure is a key

Yes, Failure is a key. This sounds like… Wow, really… What are you trying to say? Yeah, what I’m saying is… Failure is not what people think it is. Most people see failure from the wrong perspective. There are many keys to success and failure is just one of them.

… The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.
– Nelson Boswell

I’m not saying failure is good but I’m saying failure is not that bad and terrible thing many people see it to be. Failure is part of life and it is part of the stones or steps one needs to climb to success and greatness. Failure and defeat is not the same. Many people see failure as defeat, no it’s not. Failure is just a condition which can be change with consistency, determination, strategy and other positive attitude. Defeat on the other hand is surrender that it’s over. Defeat is a state of no hope.

… Failure is key to success, each mistakes teaches us something.

My failures in life makes me keep getting better, I choose not to run away from my failures, I accept them and learn many ways things could not work and work. There is no better life without mistakes or failure. The wrong way people see failure is one the most dangerous thing in the world. Seeing failure the wrong way leads to more death than the failure itself, death of life, career, business, destiny, purpose, relationship, marriage and many more.

Like I said, success has many keys such as hard work, determination, positivity and so on. Failure is also a key factor to success. Failure is always saying…

  • Don’t give up
  • Try again
  • Keep trying
  • You are almost there
  • You are better now, you can still be the best.

But oftentimes instead of people seeing what Failure is saying they choose to see defeat. Failure is an eye opener. It is also a map that makes you discover the route to success. Many people today are suffering from seeing failure the wrong way.

… No one can hide from failure, one can just make good use of it.

I love what John Maxwell said about failure. He said, failing forward is key to success. He advice we should turn mistakes to stepping stones for success. And that’s just it.

Here is what I know, I know that… Every great and successful people’s stories in life entails there journey of failure over failure until they did it. Don’t accept it is over… No, there is more to your life than what has happened or what is happening.

Here is a few quotes and words from some great minds…

  • “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” ~ Samuel Beckett
  • “Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.” ~ Confucius
  • “Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophy.” ~ Sumner Redstone
  • “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot … and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. That is why I succeed.” ~ Michael Jordan
  • “Failure provides the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.”~ Henry Ford

Do not be your own hindrance to success and greatness. Know what’s good for you. I know what’s good for me. When I fail, I see it as one step closer to success. I learn and get better. This things can be hard to accept but I will always say that… Nothing good comes easy, you’ve got to work at it.

I wish you all the very best in your relationship, career, businesses, family, marriage and in all you do.


Drop your comments below.

Self discipline – A bridge to Greatness

At the heart of any successful person, is self-discipline. Whether it’s success in their personal lives or their professional lives, self-discipline is key to success in everything. There is a price to everything in life and self-discipline is one big price that will get you what you want.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “With self- discipline most anything is possible.” Jim Rohn claimed “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” And Robert Kiyosaki asserted that “Confidence comes from discipline and training.”

Self-discipline can likened to a bag package needed to go on a trip. In that bag, everything needed for the trip will be there. Self-discipline carries essential things we need to succeed in life. In our love relationship, personal relationships with people, business or career, goals and desires, self-discipline is the bridge to success.

Self-discipline is what makes you do right instead of wrong, it’s what makes you stand firm even when there are lots of temptations. Inside self-discipline there is hard work, commitment, determination, endurance, self-control, respect, honesty and many more life changing attributes.

If self-discipline is lacking in ones life, motivations and inspirations can be useless. Self-discipline fuels your energy to act on the inspiration you receive. When you have a goal to achieve, you will know that there are things to be done to get to the goal. Many at times we let go on goals that would have make us great in life because we feel tired, lazy or lost. When there is self-discipline, it fuels you to keep going until you achieve your dreams.

… I think self-discipline is something, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. – Daniel Goldstein

Like I use to say, nothing good comes easy and for every great life, there is a great challenge. So, self-discipline is a key player in all this. Right from the beginning of the world there have been people who through self-discipline enjoy the best out of life. In our world today, many are living their dream because of self-discipline. To be great, you must have the will to be.

Successful people in every field are often said to be “blessed with talent” or even just lucky. But the truth is, many worked harder than the average person can even imagine. From athletes like Michael Jordan, also Cristiano Ronaldo to executives like Howard Schultz, these people are known for waking up early and working toward a goal while other people are still in bed, and staying later than everyone else too.

All this might not sound new but as old as it is, it’s still taking people to greater heights in life. I will make it as simple as this… Get self-discipline, get greatness.

Thanks for your time. I’m glad.

Leave your comments below.

Be Conscious of it

Hello beautiful people, it’s time to be more conscious of it… Conscious of what exactly… Conscious of what we want out of life. All of the aspirations, plans, goals, blessings, greatness, good health, wealth, and every other things we want from life.

Here is how it works… Living in the consciousness of what you desire in life keeps you on track towards it. When you are conscious of what you want in life, it keeps you in expectant mode and also increases your capacity to receive. It keeps you focus and also add a passion and determination to drive towards your goals.

… If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place – Lao Tzu

A lot of people miss out on too many good things because they are not living in awareness of getting this things. Those who want success, think success and work towards success are the ones that get it. Our mind is a powerful instrument, it can be use for good and bad, it can attract positivity and also negativity. Many people out there are imprisoned in their own mind. Whatever you allowed in the consciousness of your mind get attracted to you. It works like magic.

… A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Those who are successful, those who are great and those that are living a fulfilled life are always conscious of their state of mind. When others sees difficulties they see opportunities, when others are saying there’s no way out, they are thinking there’s always a way and are working towards getting one. We all are a product of our thoughts. Whatever it is you can think, you can achieve. It all start with conceiving it in the heart and keeping it in your mind.

You need to believe in yourself and also believe that you can achieve those desires, you can get those things you want. You need to always keep them in your consciousness that you can be great and you will be great. Your destiny is in your hand. No man is born to serve the other but a lot of things change in the course of life sometimes through ignorance, laziness, negligence or lack of faith.

You are not too young to live your dream, you are not too old to achieve your dream. Check out Famous people who achieve success later in life. It’s never too late or too early to live the great life you want. You can still get that house, buy that car. You can still get married and have children even. You can still start that business. You can be who you want, It all start from how you perceive things. Channel your mind in the right way. Live in the consciousness of who you are meant to be.

Discover yourself, know why you are, give it what it takes, stay focus, be conscious of the greatness in you. You are a champion, live the life of a champion. Here are some of my articles that will help you stay on track…

Greatness is in you, to live it, be conscious of it.

Thanks for your quality time.

Drop your comments below

Anger – A course of Destruction

Anger is a human emotion which is said to be good sometimes but can be destructive when it is expressed excessively or when it gets out of control. The truth of the matter is that, most times, anger usually gets out of hand. People often fail in controlling or taming their anger. Anger does more harm than good. It’s a major cause of problem in our world.

… Anger is one letter short of danger.

We are living in a time where a lot things can easily turn you off and set you on anger mode but as true as that might sound it doesn’t justify the expression of destructive anger. If you and I are to look at how things are in this world, we will keep hurting till life will be drained from us. When things happen and you get angry it actually add to the problem.

… Anger doesn’t solve anything, it builds nothing but can destroy everything.

An angry person can never think straight. Most of the things that comes to mind is usually negative. When anger is in action, destruction fills the air. Anger leads to rage and it does nothing but destruction. Anger clouds your judgement and put you in a position to hurt and be hurt.

… Ralph Waldo Emerson said… For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Anger causes problem for us both on the inside and on the outside. It affects our well being. It has adverse effects on our health. A lot of people around the world have been destroy because of anger. A lot of businesses, families, marriages, relationships, friendships e.t.c has been put to an end because of anger issue. Too many people have lost lives and properties because of anger.

… Anger brings pain. Where there is anger, there is pain underneath.

Anger takes away happiness. It brings different types of negative feelings or emotions that not only put the bearer in pain but also hurt people or things around. Anger is as old as life, we know the outcome but yet many still fall a victim of it. Anyone that wants peace of mind and want to enjoy a good relationship, marriage, family, career or business should never indulge in anger.

… Maya Angelou said, bitterness is a cancer. It eats upon is host. But anger is like fire, it burns it all.

Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge in these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you. Always put in a thought or two before expressing a feeling or emotion.

I have seen anger in display many times and the outcome is always bad. I use to have anger issues many years back and until I realized that anger does nothing but harm me more, I do away with it totally. Now, anger is the last thing that comes to mind, I learn to have control over my emotions. I’m sure you have seen anger being displayed on one or two occasions, it can be a terrible thing.

Always remember love does not entails anger. Love does not destroy. It gives life, it saves.

Thanks for your time. Have a blossom week.

Attitude determines your Altitude

This is one article that address both you and I. No one is left out on this because one way or the other we all have attitude issue. Most of the things that happens to us is a result of attitude… Whether we feel pain or joy… All is attitude related. How we feel towards life in general affect our way of living.

In life there are only two types of attitude and that determines everything, they are…

  • Positive attitude
  • Negative attitude

This two attitude affect the turn out of our life. From health, to career, to relationships, family, society and so on. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, a negative attitude will keep hunting you until there’s a change.

… “Attitude is not the result of success; success is the result of a great attitude” – Earl Nightingale

Everyone wants success, good health, healing, good job, a big house, a husband or wife, a good car, children, money and so on, the list of wants and need is endless but what’s our attitude towards everything that surrounds us? Our attitude will determine how fast we will get what we want or even if we will get it at all.

You can’t surround yourself with negativity and expect positive things to be happening. Look… It’s not possible to plant maize and harvest banana. The truth is miracle happens everyday… That thing you earnestly sort after that looks impossible is happening somewhere else in the world with ease, this means everything is possible, you are just too negative to see it that way. And what you can’t see you can’t get.

… A bad attitude is like a flat tire, if you don’t change it, you won’t go anywhere.

You don’t loose anything by being positive, as a matter of fact, you loose more by staying negative. There’s nothing you want that is not achievable, all you need is a change of attitude. That good life you seek, good job, marriage is possible… All you need is the right attitude.

You need to connect peacefully with everything that surrounds you, with life in general, and when you do this, you are on track to get what you want. You got to change your mind set, stay open and believe it’s possible no matter what because delay is not denial. This is the attitude that takes people to their altitude.

Many people die without getting to their altitude in life. There are altitude for everyone, it’s not the same but there are, and attitude is one major factor that takes one there. Do I need to remind you that civilization came through attitude… Things that were thought to be impossible was made possible by those who dared to believe and have the right attitude and today we talked about many of them.

Let me round up with this man Ben Carson, you all know him or most people do. Positive attitude took him to his altitude. If you want healing, a better life, a miracle or anything at all… Don’t give up yet because you are closer than you think. To change your life from bad to good or from good to better or from better to best, you got to change your attitude. Believe and stay positive.

Thanks for your time… I’m glad.

Kindly leave your comments below.

Wrong philosophies – Wrong Life

I have always believed in the power of the mind and I still do because it works magic.

…Whatever you believe of life or of yourself eventually happens.

You don’t have anything to loose by believing right. Everything starts from the mind… Think right, believe right and you will live right.

Many people out there are suffering not because the government or people could not do right but because they believe in wrong philosophies of life. Stop being myopic, stop being shallow in your thoughts because your stardom depends on it.

… You will never loose a thing for believing in yourself and believing great things for yourself. You will loose more if you don’t

Here I have some wrong philosophies you might have been used to which I think you should change because I believe they are not good for progress… They are limitations and you don’t need them… Roll with me….

Whatever will be will not be; you have to make it be. You have a part to play in what will be in your life, so don’t leave it to chance.

Why settle for half bread when you can get a full bread or even own a bakery. This is a limiting belief that positions you to settle for less and it is a mediocre philosophy.

A fool at any age can be a fool forever if he refuses to let go of his foolishness. It is never too late to become wise because the day you wake up and wise up is the day you CHANGE.

Yes! Physical fingers in your hands are not equal but that does not make any of them valueless financially, and you realise that they are all valuable. You are not even a finger, so why look down on yourself.

… Nobody came to this world a made millionaire or billionaire. Those that made it believe in greatness and in themselves and also work at it.

If you are below forty and believe this, I feel so sorry for you because it means you are not yet alive.

Is your age coming down? Is your wisdom and knowledge coming down? Is the price of goods coming down? Think my friend.

Why laugh last when you can laugh always and why laugh best when laughter is not a competition. When we program ourselves with these strange philosophies,they limit and restrict us.


Why do you want to associate with the devil, the devil depicts evil, no matter how you want to make it look. The Angel you don’t even know is doing its primary assignment of guarding you always. Nothing good comes from the devil. Desist from such philosophy.

…Change the way you think and talk… You will change the world.
You have the opportunity to.

RECREATE YOUR WORLD. Thanks for your time.

29 Things to do More in Life. (Contd)

Having talked about 12 of the things to do more in life, here I will share the 17 remaining. I want you to always remember that a life that is not fulfilling is purpose is as good as dead. We all have things to offer to life, if you don’t offer anything, nothing will be offer to you. To offer something and shine in your world, you need to discover yourself and do more of some certain things in life such as we have been talking about.

#13. Do more than help, serve. When you serve, you have reason to do more for people. You will not only help but show a deep care for others.

#14. Do more than think, plan. We have talked about do more than think, create, yes… To be who you are meant to be, you got to not only think, you got to make plan, then put your plan into action.

#15. Do more than dream, do. Stop fantasizing. Get real my friend… To dream is good… To do is great.

#16. Do more than see, perceive. Many see but they can’t perceive. This is one of the things that differentiate the winners from the losers.

#17. Do more than read, apply. I have issues with this with many people. They read but no application of what they read to their life. When you apply what you read to life, you will definitely move forward.

…Years back I found out that reading without applying is a waste of time… I’m sure you can agree with me.

#18. Do more than receive, reciprocate. This is what keeps the world going, giving and receiving. If one is giving without receiving, seriously…he’s going to dry out. When you receive, don’t stay a receiver.

#19. Do more than choose, focus. Hmm… making choices can be a life changing act if one is not careful. Some choices put us down and some lift us up. You got to be focus and choosing.

#20. Do more than wish, believe. I guess this is self explanatory. Oh I wish this…. I wish that… My friend, stop wishing and start believing. Stop wishing for it to work out, start believing it’s going to work out.

#21. Do more than than advise, help. Advise is of words, yes, they are needed but sometimes we actually need to extend our hands to make a significant impact in people’s life.

Yeah… I don’t believe in writing much to impact but sometimes it is needed… Flow with me my people… We are almost there.

#22. Do more than speak, impact. Let your words come out with meaning. Loads of people speak but few impact. Be among the few not the multitude.

#23. Do more than encourage, inspire. This is important to me. When you inspire, you give a push that will allow a move to do something. To encourage doesn’t do that.

… Inspirations connect your soul and mind to your inner strength and pushes to the lane of positivity. – Rotimi Elijah

#24. Do more than add, multiply. Adding is good, multiplying on the other hand is better.

#25. Do more than change, improve. Positive change is good. But don’t just change, improve. America and some other nations of the world gave room for improvement that is why they are what they are today. Some individuals did so likewise. You got to improve.

#26. Do more than reach, stretch. The world to be honest is not a fair place. Nothing comes easy. If you are waiting for things to happen, my friend, you are on a long thing. You got to stretch. Don’t wait for it, go for it. Remember you only have one life to live and time is never on your side.

#27. Do more than ponder, pray. Pray, you need to pray to be on top of your game.

#28. Do more than coexist, reconcile. Don’t just live, let people feel you. Be friendly, love more, care more. Be human. Life is short, don’t waste it.


#29. Do more than consider, commit. Don’t just consider things, be committed to things. Commitment gives you a sense of responsibility.

… When you sow the seed of commitment, you will reap the harvest of accomplishment.

There are lots of things to do more in life to be fulfilled, these are just few out of them.

Thanks for your time. I will love to hear other things to do more in life from you.

Stay refreshed.

#12. Do More than Forgive, Forget.

Life can be full of pain. Life can be full of people that hurts. The most annoying part is that, the people that hurts you sometimes are those ones close to you. How do you do when your loved ones deeply hurt you? When they truly break your heart and choose not to care? To be honest, it’s a very hard situation to deal with.

… Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does change the future.

I have been hurt, in this life, the ones that hurt me the most are the ones that are close to me. My heart has been broken by loved ones a lot. But still here I am bouncing for greatness because i believe it doesn’t make any sense if people hurt me and I hurt myself more in return… I have to move, no one dictates my happiness but me. I not only forgive, I forget. Holding to the past and the hurts will only drag me down.

This is my little experience in life and I hope it will help someone to move on in life holding no grudges but choosing to fly in happiness…..

… Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong, it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak, it sets you free.

Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. When you forgive, forget as well because it brings true liberation. The truth is that, the weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attributes of the strong. When you keep malice and grudges, don’t see yourself as Strong, you are weak. Don’t let emotions control you.

… There is no Love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without Love.

Even in relationships, marriages and family life we gets hurt. We need to truly forgive, forget and move on for peace and happiness to reign. It’s not easy, yes… But it worth it. If you hurt your love ones, apologize sincerely, let nothing ruin the love among you. Forgive and Forget.

Thanks, you all have been inspiring. Enjoy the rest of the season.

Up next is daily dose #13, #14, #15, & #16 altogether.